Shamana Nasya
The patients shoulders, neck and face are first massaged with herbal oils like Ksheerabala or Dhanwantaram before Shamana Nasya. This is followed by sudation. Fomentation with a towel dipped in a hot herbal liquid is done to work up a sweat. It is important that the patients bowels and bladder be emptied before undergoing Nasya.
The patient must be made to lie on his / her back on the Droni with head lowered back a bit by placing a pillow under the neck. The drug can then be safely dripped into the nostrils and should be drawn in by the patient.
Soon after this, the attendants should gently massage the patients nose, cheeks, neck, shoulders, palms and feet. After some time, the patient feels the mucus oozing down from the nasal region to the throat. This can be spit out. A warm water gargle afterwards is good for the throat.