“I cannot live while hatred and killing mar the atmosphere”, said
Gandhi in utter despair and anguish. And he went on another fast of his life on January 13, 1948, just 17 days behind the last day of his life. What he sought was the re-union of hearts of all people of all communities.
As the seventy-eight year-old and lean and weak Mahatma’s fast was five days old, representatives of various communal and cultural organizations in
Delhi, came to the Birla House where Gandhi was in fast and prayers and submitted a written request to withdraw his fast and a pledge that they would protect the life, the property and the faith of the Muslims and that what had happened in
Delhi all these days would not happen again. And
Gandhi broke his fast.
India’s millions sighed a sigh of relief.
But the militant
Hindus were not happy with
Gandhi. They thought
Gandhi was supporting the
Muslims at the expense of the
Hindus, and that the fast was just an attempt at blackmailing the
Hindus for the sake of the Muslims.
On one of the days of his fast, a bomb was thrown at him, while he was at his usual evening prayers, but the lethal missile missed him.