Chanting of Bhuta's story from Bhuta Kola
For the Tulu-speaking people of Kasaragod and coastal Karnataka, bhuta refers to a class of supernatural beings and kola means a ceremony for bhuta. A Bhuta Kola is performed to appease and seek assistance from the spirits. Typically the kola ceremony begins with the chanting of bhuta's story (known as paddana in Tulunadu). Take place during December and July, from dusk to dawn, usually the ceremony is held at shrines or in private homes.
History says that Bhoota Aradhana (worshipping spirits) was there from the time of Tuluva kings of the great Vijayanagara Empire. Shown here is the annual Bhota Kola held at Garodi Sri Brahma Baidarkala Temple, situated at Hosamane in Adukkathu Bayal in the Kasaragod district of Kerala.