Vishu Greetings...
Kerala, the South Indian State, also known as God’s Own Country marks the beginning of its agriculture calendar with a joyous festive occasion called Vishu. Falling in the Malayalam month of medam (April/ May) the festival of Vishu has significance for the agricultural practices in Kerala.
As per Indian astrology, the Sun transits from the zodiac of meenam to medam during the auspicious day of Vishu. The occasion has some similarities with Bihu, the festival of Assam. It is also known by different names in other parts of India.
The most important traditional practice in households of Kerala on the eve of Vishu is the preparation of vishukkani. This involves arranging auspicious objects in front of an image or idol of Lord Krishna and viewing the same as the first thing on Vishu morning. As per belief, this sighting on Vishu morning decides one's fortune for the rest of the year. The vishukkani is usually prepared with objects like rice grains, fruits, fresh linen, gold, coconut, golden shower flowers (kani konna) and metal mirror on a sparkling bell metal pan. A traditional wick lamp (nilavilakku) will also be lighted.
The video shown here unveils the many facets of the festival of Vishu.